Planning, scheduling, monitoring, evaluating, and managing construction time has always been WHI’s core competencies. WHI is internationally known for its expertise in CPM Scheduling.
Planning, scheduling, monitoring, evaluating and managing construction time have always been WHI’s core competencies. WHI is known for its expertise in Critical Path Method (CPM) Scheduling. We have developed and monitored schedules on thousands of construction projects, ranging from the routine to the most sophisticated and challenging. WHI sets the standard for construction scheduling – creating, updating and managing CPM schedules – with a forward-looking and contemporaneous approach.
Experience and knowledge enable WHI’s scheduling professionals to use CPM in the development of “work to complete” and recovery schedules for projects in trouble, and to implement new schedules that get the job finished as quickly as possible. WHI works with owners and developers to oversee contractors construction schedules to keep the project on track. Designers call upon us to evaluate project durations and sequences, in order to develop the most expeditious plan for project delivery. Design-builders ask us to find the most cost-effective approach to managing time. We bring reality to the construction industry.
A comprehensive CPM schedule is the foundation for successful project management. Proper scheduling reduces the challenges contractors and owners face and lessens the potential for financial damages associated with lost productivity and delays. An all-inclusive CPM schedule is a powerful management tool which can be used to evaluate progress and to analyze the impact on-going decisions have on the overall project.
Unfortunately, not all schedules bring such value to the project. Many of WHI’s clients have suffered through managing a project with an unrealistic or incomprehensible CPM schedule and now benefit from WHI’s scheduling.
If you must create, update, expand, revise, apply or manage the schedule on any size construction project, WHI should be your consultant.
Construction delays have long plagued the industry. Schedule slippage and delays cause enormous difficulties on specific projects and in the construction industry in general. Scheduling expertise is necessary to evaluate construction delay – what happened and why.
Objective analyses are applied to determine the validity of time extension requests, the effect of change orders and extra work on contract performance, entitlement in delay claims, and recovery for acceleration efforts.
One of the inevitable results of construction delays is an increase in costs to all parties. No matter what the cause of the delay(s) are, WHI is able to assist its clients in quantifying the damages and determining the responsible parties. Using established protocols where possible, and developing innovative approaches when necessary, WHI is able to demonstrate the rationale and reasonableness of its conclusions both dispassionately and persuasively to the opposition during negotiations and to the triers of fact in a more formal setting.
WHI’s professional staff has the training and experience to calculate the damages suffered by its clients and to critique the damages alleged by others. Hard and soft costs, including estimates to complete, and cost overruns are all within WHI’s area of expertise.
WHI recognizes the painful reality of project delay. We have sorted out the cause, responsibility and cost impact on a variety of projects, in different dispute resolution forums, all with objectivity and without the bias. Because we have been retained by contractors, owners, architects, engineers, developers, manufacturers, home-owners, and public and private agencies; we have a balanced practice; we can be realistic, cost-effective and thorough in our delay analyses.
Do you have a problem on your project that you need help with?
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